Post Recital Memo

Posted on: June 7, 2013
Dear Dancers and Parents,
Miss Ashley, Miss Kelly and the Staff of TDC would like to say a huge congratulations to everyone involved with our first annual spring recital ‘Around the World 2013’. The show ran smoothly and we are so proud of all the students (and parents) who participated. A BIG thank you to all the staff and volunteers who helped backstage and to all of our wonderful audience members. Congratulations to the winners of our early registration draw! We are looking forward to many more successful shows in the future!
We would like to remind everyone that our 2012-2013 season is not over yet! All classes will be running until June 29th. Next week,June 11-17th is BRING A FRIEND WEEK! Dancers are encouraged to bring a friend (or two) to try a class with them.
Registration is still going on for next year. Many of our classes are filling up so register early to reserve your spot! Want to try Acro or Tap? Not sure if you will like it? Talk to the front desk today about trying a new style of dance before the end of the year!
Interested in becoming a TDC Company member? Company auditions will be taking place at the studio on Monday June 10th. Auditions are open to all TDC dancers aged 5+. All current company members must re-audition. Please email or call the school to register for the audition. The times are as follows: Mini (ages 5-7) 4:30-5:30 pm, Juniors (ages 8-10) 5:30-6:45 pm. Intermediate (ages 11-13) and Seniors (ages 14+) 7:00-8:30pm. Please arrive early to warm up.
We will be accepting DRC Video forms from the recital until Saturday June 8th. Any orders you wish to place after June 8th must be mailed or faxed in. You can also order them online through the link on our website:
Finally, don’t forget to register for one of our great summer camps or summer dance classes! We have something for everyone from Adult Ballet, Introduction to Tap and Day Time Summer Camps. Check out our website for more details today!
Thank you all for a wonderful first year at The Dance Class. Your continued support means so much to us!
The Dance Class