Summer FUN Camps and Evening Classes
Posted on: January 24, 2024
The Dance Class is gearing up for some SUMMER FUN CAMP FUN! Get ready for Camp Confetti!!
July 8-12 In My SPARKLE Era
July 15-19 Perfectly Pink Destination Dream Vacation
August 26-30 Dance Pawty with my Pet
Each fun camp includes:
-Themed Dance Classes, Games, Movie, and More!
-Themed Loot Bags and Prizes
-A Take Home Bag of Art n’ Crafts
We are excited to announce we will once again be holding our Summer 6 Week Session on Wednesday evenings this Summer.
Classes will be held on July 10/17/24 and August 14/21/28 as follows:
5:15-5:45 Pre-School Ballet and Jazz Combo Class (Age 2-3)
5:45-6:30 KinderDance Ballet and Jazz Combo Class (Age 4-6)
6:30-7:15 Junior Dance Hip Hop, Ballet and Jazz Combo Class (Age 7-9)
Read more about our summer camps and evening classes on our CAMP PAGE